About Us » School Hours

School Hours

The Tindley Accelerated school day begins promptly at 8:15am, Monday - Friday.
Doors will open to scholars each day at 7:30am.
Scholars should enter/exit the building at the following entrances:
  • 11th & 12th Grade Scholars – Door 1 (main entrance)
  • 9th & 10th Grade Scholars – Door 2 (second door on the front of the building)
  • 7th & 8th Grade Scholars – Door 4 (around on the southwest side of the building)
School closings are governed by the following policy: The CEO is the only person authorized to close school.
  • School shall be expected to be open if no announcement is made to the contrary by 7:30 AM on any given day.
    If the school is closed by the CEO, you can receive the information via the local television stations, social media, parent alert system, or our network website. Keep in mind that our school may be listed as “Tindley Accelerated Schools” on different television channels.
Tindley Accelerated has three release times, and they are as follows:
  • Regular Dismissal (Monday – Thursday) at 4:00pm*
  • Early Dismissal (Monday – Thursday) at 3:15pm**
  • Half-Day Dismissal (Friday Only) at 12:45pm***

*All scholars not participating in after-school activities under the supervision of a staff member/coach need to be picked up by 5:30 pm without exception. Scholars who are not picked up by 5:30 pm will be reported to the appropriate state agencies.
**Scholars must EARN the privilege of Early Dismissal. Only scholars who are carrying a 70% or higher (and have met proficiency goals on all exams) in all of their classes can qualify for this privilege. Early Dismissal determinations will be made on Friday of each week for the following week.
**Scholars on Early Dismissal must be picked up by no later than 3:30pm; scholars not picked up by 3:30pm must leave campus (they may go to the Meadows YMCA) OR immediately go to Study Tables in the MPR
**Scholars who have not earned the privilege but leave school or are signed out earlier than regular dismissal will be considered truant, and they are subject to disciplinary action under our Code of Conduct.
***All scholars are released at 12:45 p.m. on Fridays. Friday afternoons are dedicated to professional development opportunities for teachers. While we try to accommodate scholars who cannot be picked up, parents should make every effort to have their child picked up on Friday by no later than 1:00pm. When we have ANY scholars on Friday, it becomes difficult to improve the development of our teachers when we have significant supervisory responsibilities. Your cooperation is crucial.